Hello Forum Members!
It's that time of year again! Time to pay dues. With our new website, this is much easier and more automated than ever before! Just follow the prompts below, and get ready for all the exciting things The Forum has to offer!
This process is for current dues only. Any previous unpaid dues will be handled separately.
STEP ONE: On the homepage, click on the Dues button
STEP TWO: On the Dues page, click on the PAY NOW button
STEP THREE: On the Payments Page, Log into your Forum account, or sign up for a new one.
If you're not sure whether you have an account or not, chances are you don't.
Please note that this is a brand new website, so your old logins and profiles from the previous website will not work. Please create a new login as detailed below, at checkout.
STEP FOUR: On the Signup Page, create a new forum account using your email address. Follow the prompts via email to finish setting up your account. Once you have logged in you will be able to create your new profile and join the discussion board so that we can eliminate our current way of communicating through long email chains. If you have any problems please contact Gary Randall at grandall777@yahoo.com, our New webpage admin!

STEP FIVE: Once logged in, wait for approval! You will get an email when we have approved your membership in the new, better than ever Forum!
STEP SIX: After you are approved, finish payment for 2021 dues via Credit Card or Paypal.
